The Cities 2021 And Affiliated New York Online Scholastic Chess Championships

Online Code Of Conduct For Players, Parents, Coaches And Spectators

            To make our tournament a more positive experience for the many young players, your own child among them, and also to enhance the integrity of our game, we have adopted an Online Code of Conduct for our playing and non-playing participants  (Updated 11/22/2020).

1.       The games are between the two players only.  Parents and spectators may not interfere with games in progress.  They do not have the right to make claims of rules violations in games in progress.


2.      Players may not receive assistance in their games from third parties or from chess-playing devices or software.  Games must be played using the screen interface with the online platform. Use of additional game boards is prohibited (special accessibility requests, accompanied by a physician’s statement, must be approved at least 3 days in advance).


3.      Every person has the right to expect to be treated with respect--  from the opponent, the staff and from other parents and coaches.


4.      Bullying, harassing, threatening or assaulting a player, especially by the opponent’s parents, coaches, teammates and/or associates, is unacceptable behavior.


5.     In order to be eligible for prizes, players must be visible to tournament participants on Zoom throughout their games, with a view that allows the Tournament Director to see the player’s entire screen and the player’s surroundings.   Players may be required to use their actual first and last names on the Zoom display.  Audio and visual settings on Zoom must be enabled, as per the Tournament Director’s instructions.  Players not visible on Zoom are not eligible for prizes.  Players on Zoom with an incorrect camera setup may have their prize eligibility limited.

.     6.   No players, parents, coaches or spectators may interfere with a tournament official in the performance of his or her duties.

7.      Bullying, harassing or threatening a staff member or tournament official is unacceptable behavior.


8.      Players, parents, coaches or spectators may not undertake actions inimical to the best interests of the tournament.  This includes attempting to claim eligibility for a section or prize for which their child is not eligible.


9.      The penalties for violations of the above are at the discretion of the Tournament Director, and depending on the nature of the offense, may range from a warning or time penalty all the way to immediate forfeiture of a game, expulsion from the tournament and possible further sanctions issued by the U.S. Chess Federation against a player, parent or spectator after the tournament.


10.  Parents and spectators are not allowed to remain in areas near a player’s game, at the discretion of the Tournament Director.


11.   It IS ALLOWED for players, parents, coaches and spectators to encourage each other and be considerate, especially of those in special circumstances.